LinkedIn Workshop

On the 17th of April 2022, 32 participants from ACCA course participated in this LinkedIn Workshop via online platform

Zoom. Some registrants were not able to attend this workshop on the event day. The registration was conducted via Google Form. The invitation link of the event was sent to the participants as well as the speaker via email before the event day.

event poster

At 10.05, the participants were welcomed by the host. Before the start of the event, there was a photography session

conducted among all the participants and the speaker, Nazrul Irfanradi.

a group photo at the start of event

At 10.15am, the emcee, Ahmad Haikal bin Wandi Yadzid gave a welcoming speech and a short introduction of the speaker.

introduction of speaker by emcee

At 10.20am sharp, Nazrul Irfanradi started the workshop by sharing to the participants on “How To Get Started on LinkedIn

as a Student?”. During this session, he explained why students should use LinkedIn, what should we post on LinkedIn, who

to connect with and how to make good content.

Nazrul sharing to participants on how to use LinkedIn

At 11.00am, Nazrul opened up his LinkedIn profile and explained some of the important sections that need to be filled up by

the students to elevate their profile. This was followed by Q&A session for participants to gain a better understanding on how

to use LinkedIn. Some of the attendees were actively participating in the session.

explanation by Nazrul on how to elevate LinkedIn profile

Finally, the workshop came to an end and Ahmad Haikal gave a short thank you speech to appreciate all the participants and

the speaker for making the time to come to the event.

Our LinkedIn Workshop has successfully wrapped up.
