General Knowledge Quiz x Business Challenge 2021

 In the year 2021, Professional Accountancy Club (PAC) organizes the first-ever event, General Knowledge Quiz x Business Challenge 2021. We hope that through this event, we could help students to improve their verbal communication skills and boost creativity in them. Besides that, we think that this could also be the perfect moment for us to promote a fun way to study out-of-classroom skills and general knowledge.

This event was separated into 2 stages: General Knowledge Quiz and Business Challenge. General Knowledge Quiz will be open to all students who are currently studying in UOWMKDU, and the top 15 students who scored the highest in this round, would proceed to the next stage, Business Challenge.

General Knowledge Quiz is open from 20th April to 24th June 2021. In this stage, students would need to register themselves via the google form that we have attached in our posts on our social media accounts. Once they have registered, we will send them the link for the quiz, along with a “special code”. They will need to use the “special code” to get access to answer the quiz questions. They could attempt the questions any time before 1st July and each participant are given 1 attempt only.

On 5th July 2021, we had a talk given by Mr Joshua Chan, who is an entrepreneur, speaker and CEO of Red Ascend Consultancy Sdn Bhd. Talk topic for the day is “Fundamental to Professional Presentation Design”. On the same day after the talk, the top 15 finalist who would proceed to the next stage, Business Challenge, is announced.

The Business Challenge Presentation day is held on 8th July 2021. On this day, the 15 finalist will present their business plan live using Google Meet. The judges for the day are Mr Chan Tze Kang, the academic head of Professional Accountancy Centre and Professional Accountancy Club Advisor, and Ms Wong Paik Wan, experienced lecturer in Professional Accountancy Centre.

Talk and Announcement of Top 15 Finalist (5th July 2021)

This event officially started at 10:00 am. During the opening ceremony, emcee for the day, Miss Siti Nur Shahira Binti Hairul gives a short speech on the agenda of the day to let the attendees clear about it. On 10:05 am, the talk begins. The talk was given by Mr Joshua Chan on “Fundamental to Professional Presentation Design”. 

After an informative and interesting talk by Mr Joshua Chan, we proceed to the next agenda for our event, Announcement of Top 15 Finalist.

The Top 15 Finalist were Ahmad Daniel Hazreek Bin Mohd Ezani, Amir Azrul Bin Ahmad Jafferil, Asma' Binti Fatkurradzi, Fatien Nuraiena Binti Abdul Razak, Ilmie Wildanie Binti Hamid, Meenachi Muthuraman, Mohamed Sheik Bin Rashid Ahmed, Muhammad Fudhail Bin Hasbullah, Muhammad Khairul Qayyim Bin Khairuddin, Muhammad Yazid Bin Zulkifli, Nur Aina Safiah Binti Mohd Hafezi, Nur Aisya binti Sazali, Nurul Izzah Binti Mohd Rizeal, Sharifah Nurul Ain binti Sayed Mohd Zaris, Tuan Nur Syahida Binti Tuan Daud.

After the announcement of Top 15 Finalists, we proceed to the topic announcement session and along with a Q&A session. 

This events officially ends at 11:30 am.

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(Screenshots of our speaker of the day, Mr Joshua Chan giving us a talk)

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Description automatically generated with low confidenceA screen shot of a video game

Description automatically generated with low confidenceA screenshot of a video game

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(Group photo of organizing committee and participants)

Business Challenge Presentation Day & Announcement of Winners (8th July 2021)

The event started at 10:00 am. A welcoming speech was given by our emcee of the day, Miss Siti Nur Shahira Binti Hairul after the registration of 12 finalists. When all of the finalists arrived in the meeting room, this event officially started with an inspirational opening speech by one of our judge, Mr Chan Tze Kang. After the opening speech, our emcee for the day introduces the rules and guidelines for the day.

The arrangement for the day was, 3 finalists presents in a row, and a 10 minutes toilet break will be given to all finalists and judges. 

After the enthralling and creative presentation from all the finalists, judges were invited to another meeting room for the discussion of winners. 

At 3:30pm, after an intense discussion between the judges, the top 3 winners are chosen. Champion for the day is  Asma' Binti Fatkurradzi. Her fantastic performance impressed the judges for the day.

1st runner up is Nur Aisya binti Sazali. Her wonderful presentation deeply captured the judges’ attention. 2nd runner up was given to Meenachi Muthuraman, for her great presentation.

The event ended up with a closing speech given by our judges, Mr Chan Tze Kang and Ms Wong Paik Wan, and our event director, Miss Ngui Jia Hui.

We would like to thank all of our judges for spending their valuable time and support in this event. Also, thank you Professional Accountancy Centre and Student & Alumni Centre for your support and guidance during the preparation period. Last but not least, thank you all the organizing committee of this event and all the finalist who presented on the final day. The event could not be a success without you all.

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(Group photo for the day)

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(Champion of the event, Asma' Binti Fatkurradzi)

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(First Runner-up, Nur Aisya binti Sazali)

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(Second Runner-up, Meenachi Muthuraman)
