Malaysian Students Accounting Convention (MASC) 2017

After a full year’s wait, the Malaysian Accounting Students Convention (MASC) has once again been held. The annual event organized by the University of Malaya Accounting Club (UMAC) has been bringing various accounting students from both private and public tertiary institutions across Malaysia together throughout the years. Do not let the title of the event deter you from joining this camp as it is far from its boring title. Each year, different activities are held but their motto remains the same: To train future accountants who are competent with INTEGRITYETHICAL, and SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE.

This year, MASC 2017 was held from 19th to 22nd of January 2017. Our students were invited to attend this remarkable event and were definitely feeling the jitters on our first day. After all, our seniors have boasted tons about it to us. Let’s recap on what happened!

Registration starts!

 Don’t they look stunning? Watch them steal the organizers' hearts from Day 1! ❤

Bringing KDU pride to the camp!

After regrouping, we were brought into the hall for the long awaited Opening Ceremony. VIPS gave their speeches, and the emcees definitely upped the mood of the students.

Students eagerly waiting for the opening ceremony to start!

Speeches were given by the VIPs.

MASC 2017's stunning opening gimmick.

KDU students getting hyped up by the games.

We also had a lot of fun learning the dance routine for their theme song- Fire by Gavin Degraw.

After lunch and prayers, we  proceeded to the career booths. The booths included Grant Thornton, ACCA, SUNWAYTES, BDO, KPMG and Great Eastern. An interactive session with the Diamond sponsor was also in store for us.

BDO's booth

Our students interacting with BDO's representatives.

KPMG's booth

Our students giving their full focus. 


Awaiting for the start of the interactive session.

Thank you to the great speakers from BDO!

Group photo with the BDO speakers.

Here it comes, the first workshop of the event. This intriguing workshop titled EQ: The Missing Puzzle of Success was carried out by Dr. Eugene Tee. He touched on the ignored importance of EQ in determining our success in a world that highly emphasizes IQ. The workshop definitely woke us up from our hazy minds.

A worksheet was given during the workshop to keep us busy.

Dr. Eugene Tee

Thank you Dr. Eugene Tee for the talk!

After the revitalizing workshop, we were hyped up for our next activity which was searching for our groups. This was where we met people from various universities who would be our team members for the next few days.

One of our students helping a friend find her group.

This was too much math just to find your group.


After finding our groups, here came the highlighted event of the day: RUNESCAPE. Trust me when I say you will understand the game just by understanding the name itself.

The friendly facilitator giving us brief instructions of the game.


One of the sacred maps.

Snacks and much needed water after non-stop running.

Late night, early morning. The faces of the students at the start of Day 2 still had traces of sleep. After our much needed breakfast, we headed off to Securities Commission Malaysia for a field visit.

Registration process.
The students' excited faces for the talk.

Thank you to all the speakers for the insightful information!

Were we bored? Never. The insightful information given by the speakers definitely got us up and listening. Well, part of the reason was also because we were definitely excited for our next activity: KL Adventure! I'm starting to think that this camp was strategically planned before Chinese New Year in order to slim us down for the weight gain after. 


Game face on!

Taking pictures with foreigners.

The process of doing the MASC Cheer.

Winding down and good food was definitely what kept us alive after running around KL. We needed to survive in order to witness the spectacular U-NITE.


Part of the cute penguin dance we learnt.

Candlelight confessions between teammates.

Snack time!

DAY 3! Let's face it, we were zombies at this point, or would have been if the organizing committees didn’t let us get an hour more of sleep. Grateful for the gesture, everybody was up with cheery faces for the Forum. To get our minds up and running after the intense discussion, the organising committees gave us a diversity knowledge quiz.

Thank you to our speakers for their time and advice!

Teamwork in solving diversity knowledge questions.

The quiz definitely put our brains to full use.

Next up, we had an AWESOME workshop with the incredible Ser. Brandon Chua. The workshop titled ‘Power of Mind’, definitely changed our perspectives of things for the better. PASSION is definitely an option.

The slogans that we were encouraged to memorise.

Ser. Brandon Chua in action!
He made sure we paid attention.

He made sure that we were kept entertained.

Thank you Ser Brandon Chua for the inspiring talk!

So far, there had been a challenge on each day of camp. Day 3 was no exception as the next activity was THE APPRENTICE CHALLENGE which was sponsored by Grant Thornton. This activity tested on the skills that were needed in our future working life. You could tell that everybody was nervous and excited at the same time.

Networking session

Bidding session

Interview session

TOP 3 groups of The Apprentice Challenge

Thank you to Grant Thornton for sponsoring the challenge!

Finally, we finished the Apprentice Challenge and started preparing for none other than THE CONVENTION DINNER! The time had finally come to show off our style and play hard to make up for the last 3 days of seriousness.

The beauties and the beasts from KDU!

KDU' students bonding with other universities' students.

The delicious food that night was irresistible.

Congrats to one of our students and her team for winning the Runescape & Apprentice Challenge!

Lucky draw time.

Only one of our students made it into the final.


❤ It was definitely a night to remember ❤

DAY 4! We spent the last day of camp to its fullest by giving our best in the last activity, which was the ‘Accounting Sports Date’. The games were simple, but fun. It definitely completed the camp.

Getting drinks for teammates.

A sandwich commercial with all these beautiful girls!

Stretching before the activity starts.

Fitness Test

Team Cheer by Group 16!


Attentively listening to instructions.

'We support you' from Group 5!

Last but not least, the closing ceremony.

The camp finally came to an end after 4D3N and farewells were said. The tired groups received their prizes and cheered for each other until the very end. The tiring but meaningful event has expanded the horizons of our students and we will definitely be back for more. The feelings, experience and friendships formed in the camp will never be forgotten. Thank you to the organizing committee of MASC 2017 for everything!
