Malaysian Accounting Students Convention - MASC 2016

Hello 2016!
MASC is back once again!

Malaysian Accounting Students Convention a.k.a MASC is held every year at University Malaya (UM) organised by University Malaya Accounting Club (UMAC). Many public and private universities would participate in this event. It was truly an honour for our ACCA and CAT students to be given the opportunity to participate in this event.

This event has given us a great experience and has taught us many things. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and to share our thoughts and stories with them.

Here are some memories we would like to share with the world! ;)

After registration
Spot KDU's logo!

On our second day of MASC, we had a forum session and an interactive game in the morning which were indoors. After lunch, we head to Botanical Gardens Kuala Lumpur for the PWC Explorace.

Once we were done with that, then came along dinner and the night tour.

After all that's done, we were done for the day. Zzz

Widening The Talent Pool

Let the Explorace begin!

These are the few stations we had to go to in order to complete our race.

It was fun but tiring!
The third day of MASC was more relax compared to day 2. We had a talk by Jonathan Quek followed by workshops and the KPMG Investment Game.

And then comes the moment we've all been waiting for...CONVENTION DINNER!!

KDU group photo

A talk given by Jonathan Quek

Workshop 1 by Mark Lankester

KPMG Investment Game *feels pressure*
All dressed up! Looking good team (Y)

 Congrats to all winners! *claps*
Each team that went on stage had  a KDU representative in the group! Yayy!

Our younger brothers and sisters
Last but not least, was the Together We Love charity programme. Each group would have a younger brother or sister assigned to them and we had to play games and spend some time with them.

It was a great event as we could make them happy and laugh with us. Every one of them have definitely touched our hearts <3 p="">

Making mascots for our younger and older brothers and sisters

Older and younger brothers in their mascots

 These are some of the games we played with our younger brothers and sisters :D

Definitely had a fun time and enjoyed ourselves!

MASC Family photo :)

MASC was definitely one of a kind experience. We've met many wonderful people and learnt a lot of things from one another. Withing the KDU family, we also got closer to each other and got each other's back. We wouldn't have survived without each other <3 p="">


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