KDU-PAC Charity Event 2015 - Lend A Colorful Hand

Lend a Colourful Hand
PAC Club members begin to organise charity event in the year of 2013 and it didn't stop there. This year on 12th of April, we as the organising committee together with the volunteers went to the Lovely Nursing Centre at about 8am. Then later at about 12pm, we went to Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Sayang to visit the orphanage. And of course, we won't be going empty-handed. We brought some grocery stuff for them where we collected our funds from the "Charity Event Booth".

KDU DJ Campus, Charity Booth =)

We learn a lot from the friendly elderly where they shared their past with us. Before we leave, we had a small singing session with them. We were glad that we did pay a visit to the centre because they really need people to talk with them. They also need to know that there are people who care for them and to let them know that they are not alone.

We're all ready to go =)

"Grocery Things we bought for the old folks." 

Morning Times we spent with Old Folks - Chatting and Laughing

"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." - Denis Waitley

Speeding Time Together =)

Thanks for visiting us

“Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high…”
Group Picture with Elderly <3 comment-3--="" nbsp="">
Committee Group Picture =)

Later in the afternoon, we went straight to Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Sayang to meet the kids. The kids really welcomed us and are happy that we came to have fun with them. We had a small ice breaking session with the kids so that they feel comfortable around us. After having lunch together, we helped them out in cleaning. The day ended where we play some mini games with them that were prepared by the committee members.

Grocery For Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Sayang <3 br="">
Ice Breaking With KIDS =)
Laughing always have a power to chill the kids =)

Lunch Time <3 td="">

Committee's Lunch Time

With Kids ~

After the sweet time with kids, our main focus of the days will starting soon ~
"Cleaning Time"

Our Tall Guy =O

Second Session With Kids V1.
Second Session With Kids V2.


The day has ended and the kids were really happy that we play with them. Through this event, we realised that there are many people out there who actually need our help. Therefore, if we have the ability to help people out, why not lend a helping hand to them. We don’t really lose anything by helping people but instead we will feel proud of ourself for being able to help people out. Another charity has ended and we can’t wait for another to come.
