A wonderful day began with the visit to Siddharthan Care Centre. As the old saying goes, “You can talk the talk. But can you walk the talk?” To be able to vouch that we walked the talk, we will need some proof and assurance that we succeeded. We will let the pictures do the talking and our readers to be the judge.

 A short introductory session was carried out.

"Wearing Shoe To Get Ready"

"Line Up"
Here we go, KidZania!
Arrival at Kidzania @ The Curve

Colleagues From KidZania
Kids were learning the KidZania language from the staff.
“Kai” for “Hello”

“Z-U’ for “see you”

"We Are Ready to Challenge the KidZania"


After collecting all the KidZos, it’s time for the kids to go wild and crazy!

From Here, I will let Photo To Explain the Whole Flow of KidZania Visit.

"Show us your creativity and painting skill, kids!"

"Next Generation Policeman"

"Our future policemen were investigating the Criminal Case"

"Inquiring Insurance for Car"

"OH YEAH! I am Driver of the day"

"Testing Driving"

"Show me Your Car that you designer"

"We are Secret Agent anyway"

"Done! Dairy Milk Maker"

"Ready to Start Live Streaming"

"News Reporter Live streaming!" 

"We are Contractor of the day! *Focus*" 

"We learned how to bake a chocolate. *Excited*"


"Way to go, junior tax officer!"  
"Yeah! I managed to deliver parcel to my client. "              

"Look at our pretty handmade bracelets!"

Role-playing in KidZania gives them an opportunity to make their own decisions and develop a culture of continuous learning and accountability. Each job allows them to experience the challenges faced and gauge their own level of interest.

"Group Photo - Infront of Cinema"

After having a fun time in KidZania, we had an ice breaking session with the children.

"Dance Session - GANGNAM STYLE"

"Round Session - Left Right Left Right"

Ice Breaking Session - James

"Game Session - Timing Bomb"

"Game Session - Go In Go Out"

"Speech by PuiSan - Event Organiser"

"Pusat Jagaan Siddharthan"
"Group Photo Before we go for our Dinner"
Every Kids were played well in the Ice Breaking Session and have fun together.

After that, we had McDonald for our dinner at E-Curve before sending the kids back to Care Centre.

"Food" All of us were struggling with the food.

 "Committee was distributing the foods to the kids."  
"It's Nice" Thanks KDU PAC

After a long day filled with happiness and excitement, the day comes to an end, the children’s smile were brighter than ever, showing gratitude to our Organizing Committees for giving them such an enjoyable and an unforgettable experience. But they weren’t the only ones who showed gratitude, our Committees members had such a great time with the children, feeling the satisfaction of being able to bring such a bright smile on the face of the children. A day filled with happiness, excitement and gratitude for both the children from Siddharthan Care Centre as well as the Organizing Committees of the charity event. We hope to bring more smiles and cheers as well as giving back to the society that has contributed to us all these while.

This is not our first charity event, but neither will it be our last. We will be more than willing to share the love, the happiness, the joy, the feeling of excitement and satisfaction that we feel every single day, to the people who are in desperate need of these feelings. We would like to thank everyone for supporting us and volunteering to help out with this charity event. We would not have succeeded without your support.

The day may have ended, but the feelings we shared will stay with us forever.


  1. I love to spend my time in Charity events. You have shared unforgettable experiences here dear. All kids in the pictures are adorable! I want to attend such charity events in New York to feel more happiness in my life. What a great cause, isn’t it?


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