Siddharthan Care Centre 2014

Charity Event 2014

“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” 

On 13th April 2014, on a good sunny Sunday Morning, PAC Committee 2014 soaked their shirts with sweat to fill 3 cars to the brim with no other than donation. What is this for you wonder?? Why we labor as such your wonder?? It was all in the name of Charity. To bring some love to the children and we prepared Siddharthan Charity Week 2014. Let me Recall Back the Memories.

Siddharthan Charity Week 2014

It all started with a vote, a vote for with event was more liable and practical. Thus the decision was to do a charity. The main purposed was to give back to society, and gave back to society we did.
We came up with a game plan, got the proposal signed and we were OFF!!!

Cute Box

Mini Game - Jenga
Mini Game - Darts

Our PAC Committee prepared some Mini Game on the Booth.

PAC Club President 2014

During the Charity Week, our PAC Club President personally came out from the Booth with Camera-man to sell our Booth Stock =)

We have done 2 weeks of Charity Booth, so is the turn to GO SHOPPING!

Three short days later bring us back to where we started, on a Good Sunny Morning.Once again, I will let the pictures do the talking.

Event Director

Big Family =)

Ice-Breaking Session

Children in the Centre were very active in the GAME! 

GO! My Plane.It's time to fly.

Charity Achievement

GoodBye. Child. Keep the Smile forever!

We would like to thank everyone for giving us so much support. We wouldn't be able to do this without the help we got. As for next year, hopefully we can do another charitable event just like this, because seeing the children laugh makes it all worth it.

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is 


Charity Event Committee 2014 & Volunteer =)
