Team Building 2013 @ Skytrek Adventure


All participants were very happy with a BIG SMILE!!!!

In a blink of eyes, another Team Building 2013 has Come and Gone.WOO!!! 
As always, registration is the beginning of this wonderful event. Hence, all participants were required to wait outside PAC Office for registration and collect breakfast.

Committee members were assigned to give name tag and food to participants while the participants chat away in anticipation for what is installed.

Our Team Building Name Tag

After registration and the collection of food, we sat patiently while waiting for our very own bus to arrive.


Committee member said hi with bus driver and took a photo with him also. SAY Hello!!!!!

Up the bus we GO~

Our Assistant Event Director: CJ :' Roll Call People !!! '

Event Director: Michelle Pang

Michelle was doing the briefing about the skytrek rules and our games rules,  unfortunately, most of the participants were lost in LALA Land. HAHA =D
But some of the participants were concentrating on what Michelle was taking about, so they are well informed on what our next step is.

One small step in Taman Pertanian Malaysia, Shah Alam.

The journey doesn't stop here, a mini bus ride is our next mode of transportation to  Skytrek Adventure.
ERMM??Why this two participants (Jun Mun and Lee Sim) don't want smile properly?

HOOOO!!! Ms Ida also very excited. Said Yeah with our photograph ^^

and we took a cute photo. HAHA!

COOL Monkey

During the wait for the mini bus , participants were forming groups and naming their group ^^

The event director and assistant (Michelle and CJ) were recording the group.


Group Five Little Monkey

  let's take a BIG FAMILY PHOTO  ^^
March people MARCH!!

James and Hanafi (Committee Member) were giving out the bottle holder and locker key.

WOOO!!! They were keeping their belongings into the lockers. Honestly, the locker was quite small. So, we could only fit 2 to 3 small bags inside.

The indicator diagram was quite big and very clear too. (ps: the lockers are actually behind the wall. LOL :D!)
This round was rather challenging! BIG THRILL!!! 

After safely placing belongings in the lockers, the first 4 groups of participants were prepped for the activity with safety harnesses.This session is called Gear-Up Deck.
Once done with the safety harness, they made their way to another area for safety instructions.This session is called Train and Try.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Not matter what happens, SAFETY FIRST!!
All participants were focussed watching the instructor's DEMO!.

Instructor doing a DEMO!!!!!!
Participants were doing practicing the "crab" role.^^
Participants were practicing the "crab" ^^

First 4 groups' GROUP PHOTO! YEAH!!!

After ''Train and Try", all participants headed to the BIG THRILL MAIN CIRCUIT!!!! HOOYEAH!!! Let the games begin...

Climbing the ladder.

THE ROLE WALK- test our balancing.

Instructor was helping a participant with problems.

WOOO!! Flying Fox. (He seems very happy and excited. ;D)
Walking on role
Ladder again!!!

Flying Monkey xp

Happy Hop- part of hard challenge.

Right after , there's a photo session when participants finished their skytrek trip ^^
PAC CLUB President- Wafiy Group
*Apologies to the other participants, the rest of the photos will be uploaded at PAC Club Page.

After Skytrek Trip, we had another session: Telematch ^^

Telematch have 3 games:-
  1. Big Foot
  2. All Aboard
  3. Tidal Wave
Let's let the pictures speak for itself, shall we?
Big Foot (1)

Big Foot (2)

All Aboard (1)

All Abroad (2)

Tidal Wave (1)

Tidal Wave (2)

Yeah!!! Telematch and Skytrek were successfully completed. All participants were enjoying it very much.
After some physical activities, we had our LUNCH TIME!!! Yeah~ It's time get rid of the hunger!
WOW!!! so good tasty ^^ Curry Chicken Rice

After an hour break for lunch, we had a quiz session ^^ The quiz paper has 17 questions and each question consist 3 marks ^^
Why is it all marked RED...? =O

They were trying to solve the question. ^^ JIAYOU!!
After Quiz session, we have another session about our future career as ACCA student. The Career Talk by Mr Ong Hui Zhe. Allow me to briefly tell you who Mr Ong exactly is.

Mr Ong is one of the best student who completed his ACCA in 3 years time. He is here to share about the practical experience he has and gave us an insight about what we will be facing in the future once we come out into the working world.   PAC was really lucky to have invited Mr. Ong Hui Zhe to give a talk on that day. Lastly, he is currently working in PWC, one of the BIG FOUR.

Mr Ong Hui Zhe:' I used about 96% of what in learned from my studies in my everyday work'

All participants were focused on the tips from Mr Ong.

' I once Asked Mr. Daniel how to balance multiple subjects at once, he replied me with a question, If you have 3 children, who would you love the most ?' Quote Mr, Ong

Why so sad? Too many things to remember???

After talk, Ms Mei Fong was giving a token to Mr Ong.
Thanks Mr Ong for giving such wonderful exam tips and some information about future career to our participants.
Now, It's SKYTREK Prize Giving Ceremony.We have 8 teams in total  !! And nobody is left out. 

Consolation Prize Winner

Consolation Prize Winner
Consolation Prize Winner

Consolation Prize Winner

2nd Runner up

1st Runner up

Champions !!!
HOOYEAH!!! Our Prize Giving Ceremony concludes Team Building 2013 @ Skytrek Adventure
On behalf of PAC Club, we hope that every man and woman came out of this event a better person. Teamwork, Courage, Patients, Discipline, Creativity are just few of the many values that was taught on this special day. 

Team Building 2013 Skytrek Adventure was a SUCCESS!! 

Lastly, i also want to thank the people reading this blog. Hope you continue to read our next posts and keep supporting us in the future ^^


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