July Orientation

July signifies a hot month of summer in other countries, but in PAC, it only means one thing. New intake of young minds. Once again the crowd came, filled with students and parents alike. All looking to find out what PAC have installed for them. 

 Once everyone was present, we began by giving an idea on how studying ACCA can benefit us in the long run. This talk was of course presented by our very own Mr. Chan.

Next we had an inspiring, albeit nervous speech from PAC Club President , Mr. Wafiy.

Intermission is always welcomed especially after 2 hours of talks. 

After that, We had an expert to give a step by step walk through regarding the ins and out of ACCA website as well as issues regarding KDU.

 Last but not least, We had a college tour to wrap things up =D

Once again, on behalf of PAC students and lecturer alike, we welcome you to join our family here in KDU University College =D
