Malaysian Accounting Students Convention

On the 10th of April 2013, Our very own ACCA students were invited to attend an annual convention entitled Malaysian Accounting Students Convention 2013. It was a 4 days 3 nights event organised by the UMAC of University of Malaya with the help of generous sponsors like Platinum Sponsor BDO, Mentos, Pwc, and many others. This convention is held with the sole purpose of allowing the participants to broaden their network. As the participants are mainly undergraduate accounting students, this helps establish a solid network for when they enter the working world. 
Here are some moments frozen in time : 

A token used to Officially Launch the Convention.

A creative and innovative way of symbolizing the travels of participants from far and wide.
Students from all corners of our country looking good.

Our very own KDU students 

Not to forgot them as well

With the Opening Ceremony done, the workshops BEGINS !! 

"Good morning, i find it hard to believe everyone here are future accountants"


A token of appreciation to our beloved speaker.

Familiar faces??

As the quote goes, we STUDY HARD , we PLAY HARD. Accounting Race here we GO !!!

Watch the Ball !! 

Rest Time is Over !!

Dig deep and hit the ball !!


A blessing in disguise ?!

BOW !!!

Let the Party begin

Dinner is served

As we PLAY we LEARN 
Busy day for the Banker

Shares,Bank Loans, Properties, Gold all for sale!!

Invest well my friends

 As member of society, we owe the society a favor. This is how we repay society.

Together we Love !!
Social Responsibility Accomplished !!

At the end of the convention, we express our feelings and cement our new found friendship.
PAC club President taking the stage as the Best Leader.

A Big Round Applause for the Organizing Committee =D

 At the end of the day, everyone walked out the door a winner. We lived together, learn together, play together, work together, and made precious memories together. Some may be our new found friends, some our new companions and buddies, some may never enter our lives again, but one thing is for sure, they help shape who we are and who will be.
