PAC Deloitte Visit 2012

On the 28th August 2012, PAC had organised an audit firm visit to Deloitte in Damansara Uptown. 43 ACCA students took part in this visit. We departed from KDU University College at around 9.30am by 2 KDU vans and 2 cars.
When we arrived in Deloitte, all of us gathered inside the lobby and the representative from Deloitte (Ms Nizan) greeted us. The security were tough as we had to wait for some time to get a security clearance.
After getting a security clearance, we went to the boardroom where Ms Afzan was waiting for us. She went around every table and personally welcomed us. Then, Mr. Alex, the Director of Human Resource shared to us about Deloitte. He was a very welcoming person and our ACCA students kept firing questions wanting to know more about Deloitte. 
After that, we had some refreshment outside the boardroom. There were coffee, tea and some free food. The view from outside the boardroom was stunning.
After the refreshment, we were split into 3 group for the office tour where we went to the advisory and tax department. Then, we headed for the lobby as our last stop.
Overall, we learnt a lot and we get to know more what Deloitte can offer our future ACCA graduates in terms of their careers. Hope students will continue joining us for more activities organized by PAC Club. Last but not least, a big thank you to Deloitte for the visit.
