Interwiew on CAT/ACCA Lecturers

Recently we have done interviews on lecturers for exam forecast. They had motivated us a lot with their answers. We included the interviews on the lecturers below :

Interview on Ms.Gin Li   (Knowledge module)

Alia : Hi Ms.Gin Li. We’re from PAC Committee. We would like to have an interview with you to ask you a few questions about Forecast for exam. First question is tips for exam?

Ms.Gin Li : First of all, student has to really understand the paper you’re learning and to do enough revision for the particular topics. I believe in practice makes perfect. And last but not least , do not spot question.

Alia : How should we revise for exam? Sometimes students just don’t know where and when to start revising.

Ms.Gin Li : I would think that , after class you should actually revise whatever you have learned in the class within 24 hours. Otherwise you will take longer time to revise it , that’s why you have to revise when they are still fresh in your mind.
Secondly, revising is not memorizing but you have to really understand it by yourself ,whatever your lecturer have  been teaching in front , you might not absorbed everything. You will get the most when you revise them within 24 hours because you have digest it by yourself. No matter how any times the lecturer repeat, it will not actually helps a lot on understanding.

Alia : What is the technique on answering paper base question?

Ms.Gin Li : Time management is very important, that is the first thing that you have to keep in mind. Secondly , you have to read the requirement very carefully and understand the instruction. Otherwise you will likely not answering according to the requirement. That will be dangerous because its actually determined the relevant of your answer. Time management ,understand the requirement and answer according. Don’t drift away from the question.

Alia : The last question is what should we do after complete ACCA? Whether to further study or work?

Ms.Gin Li : I would actually think its good to go on to the practice world. Expose yourself to the real working world. Then if you want to pursue your study further , that will be after that. You cam do part time study while you’re working because I think for MBA , you will excel in it when you have working experience:)

Alia : That would be all. Thank you Ms.Gin Li for your time :)

Interview on Mr.Alex (Knowledge module)

Angela   : Hi. Mr. Alex. We are from PAC committee. We would like to have an interview with you to ask you few questions about Forecast for exam.

Mr.Alex : okay sure! 

Angela   : First, what is your opinion on tips for exam?
Mr. Alex : For F1, F2 and F3 is MCQ in format. Tips wide are not meaningful especially for MCQ because it almost covered all. Unless for other kind of paper base. But for F1, F2 and F3 is comprehensive coverage because there have plenty of questions.
Angela   : Next question is how should student revise or study for exam? Because some students feel panic when they don’t know should start revision from where until where. So, what should we do to solve this problem?
Mr. Alex : Well, don’t wait until LAST MINUTE!!!!! And the way I suggest to revise is choose the area you feel most confident to focus. For example:

  •     Material -> direct material, Economic order quantity (EOQ), Economic batch quantity (EBQ), absorption costing, marginal costing…….
Angela   : What is your suggestion for fresh graduates of ACCA?
Mr. Alex : Well, you guys already have enough classroom experience but still lack of hands-on exposure. Is not a bad idea go work first, than only can practice what we learned rather than study in theories. ACCA actually is enough for you guys come out to work. It will be over equipped If TAKE MBA now.
Angela   : Why?
Mr. Alex : It will be weird for those who haven’t go through operational level but suddenly put themselves in managerial level. They must step into the real world if you really want go to managerial level.
Angela   : Okay, last question here Sir. What is the technique to answer question?
Mr. Alex : Different paper different technique. In ACCA culture, the questions are very specific. You will need to answer what exactly examiners asked :) Don’t worry about it, lecturer will teach you how to emphasis on key word. For example: List and Identify...

Angela : That would be all. Thank you for your time Mr.Alex :)

Interview on Mr.Chan(Skill and Professional Module)

Alia : Hi Mr.Chan, we’re from PAC Committee. We would like to ask you a few questions on exam forecast. First question, we would like to ask you for tips on exam and technique on answering exam?

Mr.Chan : The first fundamental tips is learning attitude during the programme. During class, the students have to put full attention on lecturer and try to follow up with all the assignment , homework and read the requirement given by the lecturer before attending the following class. That would actually ensure your knowledge on what you learn in the class and it will be able to apply effectively on your practice questions. Secondly is study attitude , student must have the right study attitude, starting with clear goal for themselves. They also need to have strong self-discipline. Then only the attitude be right. At the same time, students must be well aware of study plan. Planning , objective , discipline , attitude would be a very important to form the very first exam technique

Alia : The next question is , how should we revise for examination? Students would sometimes feel that there are to much to be revise. So , how should we handle that?

Mr.Chan : Students have to attend many past year questions as possible from study time until the examination period. You really have to put a lot of effort during that period. You need to give yourself a time limit to perform and complete the question , so that it will make your question practice session more effective and exam oriented. When it comes near the examination, it is very important to the student to pay full attention during the revision period. Students must have their own revision plan at home to know exactly what are the topic that need to be prepared for. And there’s one very important reminder is that examiner today is trying to avoid encouraging the students from spotting question , so looking into the future trend the student has no choice but to cover everything before the examination.

Alia : The last question is what should we do after finished ACCA? Whether to pursue study or work?

Mr.Chan : I recommend the students to do and to carry on the next step base on their interest. I believe that doing what you like to do , you can always get a job satisfaction and at the same time you can enjoy your work. So whether to further study or to work , it is depends on what the student prefer and enjoy doing. If the student enjoy studying , then of course her can choose to pursue post graduate programme like masters or maybe another professional qualification. But at the same time , I always encourage the students running their own business or maybe get involve in business world. Learning opportunity is everywhere , it doesn’t mean you have to go to school to learn. The most important thing is do what you like to do.  :)

Alia That will be all. Thank you for your time Mr.Chan :)

Interview on Ms. Wong(Skill module)

Angela        : Hi. Miss Wong. We are from PAC committee. We would like to have an interview with you to ask you few questions about Forecast for exam.

Ms. Wong    : okay sure!

Angela        : First, what is your opinion on tips for exam?

Ms. Wong : Don’t concentrate too much on tips! Normally students will become panic if the tips are not accurate. You can spot questions to revise. But, in higher level of education you really need to know everything.

Angela        : Next question is how should student revise or study for exam? Because some students feel panic when they don’t know should start revision from where until where. So, what should we do to solve this problem? 
Ms. Wong : Firstly, don’t miss any lecture. Secondly, revise within 24 hours after class because 80% of what lecturer taught will be easily forgotten after 24 hours. Thirdly, do you own note. Look at it every week and NO LAST MINUTE WORK!! Do practice question. PRACTICE MAKE PERFECT^^. But please, don’t copy the answer straightaway. Do it multiple times if you don’t understand. Reading notes only without doing practice questions will make a job of remembering harder. Most students are unable to answer questions when their books are closed. Student should write the answer first then check the modal answer afterwards. The problem is, students always checked the answer first before first writing their answer.
Angela        : Last but not least, what is your suggestion for fresh graduates of ACCA?

Ms. Wong : It is really depends on the student themselves. There are other qualifications. But, ACCA is enough. You could work and take MBA as part time if you wish to further your study. Or you could study MBA full-time. MBA will only take around 1 ½ year.

Angela        :  Okay, last question for this interview.  What are the techniques to answer question?

Ms. Wong :  First, read the requirement, question and details. Read again if you still don’t understand. Drop down the point. Time management is very important. You must attempt 
all the questions. Start with the easier question. In every question they will be 2 or 3 bonus marks. IT IS FREE MARKS!!! Students just need another 40 marks to pass so don’t waste it. Write anything even if it just 1 sentence. Don’t look down at the ½ marks. With the ½ mark, you could either Pass or Fail. NO ANSWER NO MARKS! Don’t know how to answer 1 question? Move on and don’t waste time on 1 question for too long. The conclusion is, easy question first, get your confidence up. With your knowledge and a little bit of luck you will do well :)

Angela That will be all. Thank you Ms. Wong for your time :)
