Advise from KDU-PAC's ACCA Graduates

By: Jack Chew Jian Hua

As a student pursuing an ACCA qualification, it is assumed that we are capable to handle exams well, and all we need to do is to be prepared. However, exam preparation can be tiring. Hence, I would like to share about my ACCA exam preparation and perhaps, to shed some light on how to excel. These are some of the critical success factors:

Time Management

  • Have good time management; plan a study timetable with a Things-To-Do list for the week.
  • Abide by the time table to achieve your goal. Be responsible as a student if you are determined to pass the exam.
  • Revise, using past year ACCA exam papers.
  • Be diligent in attempting all the practice exercises given by the lecturers, including the past year exam questions. Practice helps you to anticipate the type of questions and hence, you can find out how to answer them better. Also, having a better understanding of the exam structure will enable you to manage your time during the exam, which is crucial if you do not wish to miss out answering some questions.
Attempt All Questions
  • It is advisable to answer every single question in the exam because you could be correct and gain marks. You never know when that one mark could land you in the “Pass” or a “Fail” category.
Take care of your Health
  • Last but not least, please take care of your health so that you don’t fall ill during the exam period.
  • On the day of your exam, just relax! Bear in mind that nervousness and anxiety may contribute to carelessness.
Believe in Yourself
  • If you don’t believe in yourself, who will?
  • Do not quit if you fail any of the papers. You must be persevering and take failure as a learning process.
Your effort and hard work will pay off handsomely once you pass the exams. I wish you good luck! 



By: Nahela
There is no worthy cause without a struggle.

Throughout my period of study for the ACCA Professional Qualification, there have been many sacrifices, be they small or big. These sacrifices have enabled me to make it thus far to graduation. During my period of study, I have always tried to benchmark myself against that one outstanding classmate whom I have always envied. To outclass that top performer would drive and push me beyond my limits so much so that I would be able to out-perform my own expectations.

I would say that setting my priorities right, and placing my education over most of the other sweet pleasures of life, have brought me to where I am today. I have always told myself, when I have finished what I’ve set myself to achieve, I can have the whole life time to enjoy other pleasures. To quote most of my lecturers, “High Risk High Return, No Pain No Gain.”

An undeviating and tenacious devotion to study is another tip to achieve distinctions and remember: Never Study Last Minute. I have made it my habit to study a mere hour each day, during which, it has become my second nature to write short notes that I would carry around in my pocket. This was a good and constant source of reference and revision notes until the last countdown to enter the examination hall.

A word of advice to my friends who are re-sitting examinations: Never Give Up. Engage in a study group now and then. Pose questions to each other from every chapter of the syllabus. Do a three-hour time test with your buddies. Most of all, take care of your health. This is precisely what I did for the June 2011 exams.
Every failure I encountered has made me stronger, more focused, and more resolute to succeed. There is nothing wrong in failing as it means picking ourselves up again, and rising to success.

My best wishes to the first-timers, and all who are doing re-sit exams in this coming December examination. As the idiom goes, ”Break A Leg!



By Reuben Tatenda Dunduru

Having spent two years of my life at KDU University College, I am confident to say that it has been a wonderful experience. KDU offers the great learning facilities which make the learning process enjoyable.

The ACCA, being a Professional Accountancy programme for those aspiring to become Chartered Accountants, is certainly not a stroll in the park. However, with the team of enthusiastic lecturers and supportive staff at the Professional Accountancy Centre, the load does become lighter.

I would boldly recommend prospective ACCA students to consider KDU for their studies, hoping that my positive experience could be theirs too.
