PAC PwC Visit 2011

on 19th August 2011, PAC organized another Audit Firm Visit to PwC. We gathered at KDU University College, took a group picture before we depart, and then headed off to PwC at KL Sentral by bus.
We found something cool about PwC, which is the security system donwstairs at the lobby =) every staff has to tag on the system & press the floor that you wanna go, it'll show you which lift to enter in =) so there's only an "open" button & a "close" button in the lift! haha! but one disadvantage is that IF YOU PRESSED THE WRONG FLOOR, you'll have to wait again!

we went into the boardroom, and Ms Jennifer, representative from PwC briefed us on the itinerary. Then, Mr Steve, one of the partners of PwC shared to us about PwC and also his experience in PwC. He is also an ACCA graduate!
 The head of HR Department also answered all our questions during the Q&A session. 

After that we toured around the office in 2 groups, and took a group photo near the reception. 
 After the tour, we had some refreshments in the boardroom, and also a chit-chatting session with the staffs. The Muslims who were having their puasa, sat outside with another staff near the reception.

Before we went back to KDU University College, we were requested to fill in the questionnaire for Malaysia 100 to complete their survey on the Top 100 Leading Graduate Employers. We were given a free magazine from them after that and also a notebook from PwC.
Overall, we've learned a lot and got to know more about Audit Firms through these Audit Firm Visits. Hope students will continue joining us for more activities organized by PAC Club!
